Why Feeding Bread to a Goat Isn’t a Good Idea (Farmer Advice)

Why Feeding Bread to a Goat Isn’t a Good Idea (Farmer Advice)

When it comes to our goats, there are a lot of things we want to give them the benefit of the doubt on. But when it comes to bread – a staple in human diets for centuries – we start second-guessing ourselves. Can goats eat bread? Should they? What kind of bread is best for…

Baby Goat Sleep: How Much Do They Sleep and What To Look Out For

Baby Goat Sleep: How Much Do They Sleep and What To Look Out For

If you are a goat farmer or are just thinking about becoming one, you will want to know how much baby goats sleep. It is important to make sure they get enough sleep, but you also don’t want them sleeping too much and not getting up to eat or play. In this article, Charlotte Riggs,…

Goat Seizure – What To Do and How to Care For Your Goat

Goat Seizure – What To Do and How to Care For Your Goat

If you are a goat owner, it is important to be prepared for the possibility of a seizure. Goat seizures can be scary and confusing to witness, but with the right information and preparation, you can handle the situation quickly and effectively. In this article, we will discuss what to do if your goat has…

Beards on Goats: Which Goats Have Beards and Why? 

Beards on Goats: Which Goats Have Beards and Why? 

Have you ever wondered about which goats have bears (and why)? Along with their often majestic horns, beards on goats are one of their most identifiable and recognizable features in many cases. However, not all goats actually have beards, despite what traditional depictions of goats might have you believe. With this in mind, today, we’re…

Can a Goat Kill You? The Truth About Goats and Aggression

Can a Goat Kill You? The Truth About Goats and Aggression

Have you ever wondered, can a goat kill you if it really wanted to? When it comes to keeping goats or visiting regions populated by feral goat herds, it’s important to be aware of some key traits of goat temperament. Of course, goats are highly personable creatures, and as many goat keepers will tell you…

Are Goats and Sheep Related? Basic Explanation from Charlotte Riggs, Goat and Sheep Farmer
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Are Goats and Sheep Related? Basic Explanation from Charlotte Riggs, Goat and Sheep Farmer

There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about goats and sheep. One of the most common questions we get is whether these farm animals are related. Today, we are going to clear up this question once and for all with the help of Charlotte Riggs, an expert goat and sheep farmer. Charlotte has years…

What to Do If a Goat’s Horn Breaks Off: Options for Domesticated Goats

What to Do If a Goat’s Horn Breaks Off: Options for Domesticated Goats

If you are the owner of a domesticated goat, there’s a good chance you will at some point have to deal with a broken horn. Horns can break off for many reasons – from fighting with another goat to getting caught in fencing. If your goat’s horn breaks off, don’t panic! This article will provide…